Monday 15 October 2012

(Early) Halloween horror in the Cwad - Free cake!

Will you be running a business? Looking for professional jobs? Working with young people?

Did you know that according to a recent US survey showed that nearly 90% of employers either use, or plan to use, social media for recruiting?

What would potential employers find on you?

Come along to our Halloween-themed skills session: “What’s your e-reputation?  Managing your online presence” where we will:
           Provide hands-on demonstrations of how potential employers might research prospective employees  on the internet.

             Provide tools and techniques that can help you to monitor your ‘digital footprint’, maximize job prospects and turn your social  media presence into a force for good not evil!

Come and find out what potential employers could find out about you!  Or alternatively come and investigate your friends!

Cwad Room 1, Tuesday 23rd October

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